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Smallworks Gallery - Contemporary Art Online

Yueon-Gayh Yehp

Eternal Flux

Scroll Paintings

June 13 - August 15, 2001

Smallworks Gallery proudly presents Eternal Flux, recent works by Chinese artist Yueon-Gayh Yehp (Bill Leaf). Yehp is currently a Professor or Art at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His works have shown nationally and internationally.

Yehp's recent works are reflections of his cultural heritage. The titles of his works suggest an in-depth understanding of Taoism, geomancy and philosophy. These works are characterized by transparent-like shapes and images that drift in and out of a paradoxical or infinite kind of pictorial space.

Printworks Artists

  Joe Andoe   Ross Bleckner   James Brown

David Hockney
  Julian Schnabel

Gallery Artists

Robert Beckmann   Barbara Kasten

Susan Leopold   Kathleen Nathan

Michael Pauker   April Richardson

James Stanford   Mary Warner

Oliver Wasow    Kevin Wixted

Yueon-Gayh Yehp (Bill Leaf)


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